10 years of legal services for…
Ten years have passed since our Law Firm established cooperation and provided permanent legal services to FLT Grupa Sp. z o.o.
Thank you for your trust! Just like our long-time client, we aim high when providing legal assistance. We wish FLT Grupa Sp. z o.o. further success and development.
Cooperation with a psychological clinic
Dear Sir or Madam,
as a law firm that has been providing legal assistance for many years, we see and understand how often the “emotional baggage” of cases is and how often appropriate psychological help is important. Hence, in order to meet the needs of our clients, we have established close cooperation with the Psychological Clinic of Patryk Molski in Wrocław.
Lawyer advice
Ladies and gentlemen,
For over a month, we have been publishing articles on our Facebook page under the banner of “Porady prawnika”.
At the moment, there are tips
• When can the policeman search the car?
• Finding a will following an inheritance case
• How do I prepare for a divorce? What do you have to do before divorce?
• Can the police enter the home without a warrant?
• Alimony – 40 most common questions and answers.
I hope that the information provided has brought you closer to the subject.
I invite you to read the next tips.
Lawyer advice
Due to the great interest in legal aspects in our country, we decided to start a cycle of legal advice. In weekly episodes we will try to familiarize you with important issues from the letter of the law, contact with a lawyer, policeman, prosecutor, judge. The first article is on our Facebook page.
We are looking for a place
We are looking for a place to rent in Wrocław for the office of the Law Firm. More on our profile on Facebook.
We are pleased to announce that Ms Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko’s doctoral dissertation “Civil law liability of a cloud computing service provider in the light of the provisions of the general regulation on the protection of personal data – selected issues” was published in 2021 by Wydawnictwo C.H.Beck Sp z o.o. from Warsaw. We hope that this publication will bring you closer to the digital world issues and legal aspects of cloud computing.
Cooperation with a psychological clinic
Dear Sir or Madam,
as a law firm that has been providing legal assistance for many years, we see and understand how often the “emotional baggage” of cases is and how often appropriate psychological help is important. Hence, in order to meet the needs of our clients, we have established close cooperation with the Psychological Clinic of Dr. Anna Gunia-Malicha in Wrocław, offering a wide range of services of specialists in the field of psychology, including child psychology, psychotherapy, mediation and others, which can be used by our clients. More information about our partner’s activities can be found at: www.psychologiawroclaw.pl or on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/poradniapsychologicznawroclaw/photos/?ref=page_internal
From the life of our Law…
We are very pleased to inform you that an employee of our law firm – Ms Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko, on July 15, 2020 doctoral dissertation entitled ” The civil law liability of the cloud computing service provider in the light of the provisions of the general regulation on the protection of personal data – selected problems ”with honors and obtained the title of doctor of law. Congratulations!
The extraordinary knowledge of Dr. Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko in the field of, among others, “GDPR” and the protection of personal data will be used in the ongoing legal services for our clients.
As a socially responsible company, with misunderstanding the information about emerging attacks on people working in healthcare
( https://wiadomosci.radiozet.pl/Koronawirus/Gliwice.-Hejt-i-akt-wandalizmu-wobec-pielegniarki.-Zniszczono-jej-samochod ), we will provide legal assistance to all health professionals, irrespective of profession and function, until further notice. It doesn’t matter if you need help and you are a doctor, nurse, paramedic or service worker. Each of these person, who in these difficult times in any way supports the health service, requires the highest recognition and thanks. Our Law Firm would like to repay you for your efforts and heroism.
Please spread this information and report to us all interested in help, regardless of the nature and type of the case (not even related to legal problems caused by the epidemic).
For the sake of your health and the health of our employees, our Law Firm introduces additional precautions and hygiene.
Working hours in the offices are remained unchanged.
Visits in the offices of the Law Firm are possible after prior telephone contact. At the same time, we are always available to you by phone, via Skype or e-mail.